2. Annotation
AGRO brings together skilled agronomists and top specialists to provide unrivalled expertise and support for sustainable and profitable farming systems. As a leading provider of quality seed, technology and strategic advice, AGRO combines best practice and innovation with the latest research and development to enable our customers to meet today's agricultural challenges with knowledge and confidence.
In a short period of time, our corporation, has been rapidly expanding and improving to support its agricultural endeavours. Having recognised the challenges in agriculture and appreciating them more than ever, our corporation began to focus on beneficial agricultural operations. The ability to quickly adapt to new generation agricultural technologies as well as enhanced research and development activities have been the most influential factors in our growth.
As decided by our corporation in August 2023, AGRO, a royalty-backed digital asset, will be introduced, allowing holders to become part of the company and receive royalties on a quarterly basis. Concurrently with this move to issue digital assets, the corporation has embarked on a new structuring process.